Thursday 19 August 2010

Top 17 Tips for Taking Baby to the Beach

Beaches...ahh...wish I was off there today...but alas, we are far too busy working on the Little Jet Setter launch.  Hopefully these will be useful for those of you with holidays still to come.  Perhaps over the UK bank holiday weekend?


17. Everyone knows to use a high factor sun screen - but how do you get it on a wiggy kid? Try sunscreen sticks for faces, ears and bits that are hard to reach.

16. Sun hats need to have chin straps for the very young, otherwise they'll get pulled off in 2 seconds.

15. Sunglasses are cute, but hard to keep on. Babybanz make a good set that stay put.

14. So long as it is in the shade, napping on the beach IS doable even with a 2 year old. The surf helps lull them to sleep...

15. Many young kids don't like the feel of the sand on their feet. Bring sandals that you can get wet and dirty to keep everyone happy.

14. Speaking of sandals, buy them Crocs. Crocs Rock at the beach.

13. Swim nappies are great and can be reused so long as there hasn't been an accident.

12. Why not let them go au naturale at the beach? There are few times that babies and kids are cuter naked than playing in the sand.

11. Don't forget lots of water - push them to drink loads.

10. Water wings and floation aides are great for the pool but pretty rubbish if there are any real waves. Be extra vigilent in the sea even if your kids can swim.

9. There are some great pop-up shade tents that will do well for playing on the beach. Samsonite do a good one.

8. Pack lots of snacks - raisins, squishy fruit purees, biscuits, fruit - they will get devoured with all that exercise.

7. Don't be afraid to dunk them in the water. Sometimes it is the only way to really rinse the sand off!

6. Long sleeved rash suits are totally in for babies and toddlers - especially the ones with SPF 50 materials!

5. Spread out a towel on the sand with some toys. They can venture off or stay on depending on how messy they like it!

4. Wet sand is the only way to go for sandcastle making. It is easy to forget from your own just a reminder.

3. Collecting seashells is a great way to get them enjoying the sand. Save them to make crafts later or back at home.

2. For the smallest babies, clip toys, books and soothers to baby with a Travel Toy Clip. Sandy soothers...yuck.

1. Play with them - on the beach, in the surf, under the umbrellas - this is the stuff memories are made of.


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